CONTENT WARNING: Male pregnancy

NAME: ???
RACE: Human/Ghost
HEIGHT: 5ft 9in

The stories originally appeared in the American magazines Super Science Stories and Astounding Science Fiction between 1940 and 1950 and were then compiled into a book for stand-alone (single issue / special edition) publication by Gnome Press in 1950, in an initial edition of 5,000 copies.


Noah isn't sure what he is, but he's fairly sure he's something in the middle of dead and alive. His hair is shaggy and floats around his face, shifting between hues of purple depending on the light but usually something quite pale. His eyes are odd colours, the left being red and the right being pink. He has his navel, tongue, and nipples pierced. Being somewhat dead, his skin is incredibly pale, resulting in the bags under his eyes looking more prominant. He only wears loose fitting and floaty clothes, rarely wearing shoes, and usually painting his nails some dark colour. His cock is prehensile and visibly non-human, taking a purplish tint on the skin, and able to be flexed and moved at will.


Using magic that's adjacent to necromancy, Noah can speak to the dead and makes money on the side holding 'seances' or similar for people looking to talk to ghosts or spirits. He finds ghost hunting shows hilarious with how bad they are.

He likes spoiling people in personal ways. He won't buy something for someone but will carefully source and craft something he thinks they need or would like. He prefers gifts that aren't a one-time use. Considering his current nest of partners, that usually means making comforting things like blankets, pillows, plushies, etc.

Noah always needs something for his hands to do otherwise he feels at a bit of a loose end. It's why he's taken up so many different crafts, because he likes having projects and things to make. The best thing for him is crochet or knitting as he's gotten good enough to do it whilst having conversations with little effort.


Credits for the artwork on this page that are not created by me: