
NAME: Mamoru Takamura
PRONOUNS: he/they
RACE: Hunter
BLOODLINE: Magus/Bestial

Many who have worked with Mamoru in the past can describe him as aloof and almost too serious. He takes on a support role in most situations, though when given the chance to become more accquainted with a person will often display acts of service as his way of showing he cares. Mamoru can seem very calculating, not making a decision until he feels its the best choice, and rarely acting on impulse. He has little tolerance for things which he doesn't see the need for, but can be convinced to change his mind with strong enough opinion presented to him.


Mamoru is a 6ft tall man with long dusty blonde hair who is often seen wearing an eye patch. The uncovered eye is blue, whilst the covered eye has shifting colours and is also heavily scarred. He wears the eyepatch to hide the evidence of his demonic heritage as well as the scarring. His clothing style is typically loose and comfortable with some Japanese or Asian inspired attire. As his role as a demon hunter isn't typically on the front lines, he doesn't tend to worry about his clothing being appropriate for 'work'. He'll always have some kind of book or device on him to take notes.


Mamoru is one of the first people in his family to live outside of the 'confines' of the clan. He comes from a long line of Demon Hunters and has a strong magical bloodline, but they are very traditional and dislike anything that goes against their family 'rules'.

The Takamura clan is proud to know exactly where their bloodline originates, which comes from a combination of Ushi-Oni, Kitsune, and Magi lineages. Because of this the bloodline is mixed with a combination of powers that present as mostly magical abilities with little physical presentations.

Mamoru has an intate talent for magical spells, rituals, incantations, and the like, referring to himself as a Witch or Enchanter. He can read most runes and can learn to use spells instead of relying on a natural ability to use specific powers.

The Ushi-Oni part of his bloodline presents itself by having small breasts and being able to lactate. This caused some contention with his family as physicial manifestations of their bloodline is exceptionally rare. Originally he was forced to hide it until he broke away from the clan when he met Kendrick.

Mamoru often plays a support role to those he works with. He's exceptionally intelligent and can pick out a spell for every circumstance and occassion. He acts as more of a strategist, leaving front-line conflict to those who are more physically capable of such matters.


Credits for the artwork on this page that are not created by me: