CONTENT WARNING: insert warning here

NAME: Rowan Wolfe
HEIGHT: 5ft 9in
RACE: Hunter
BLOODLINE: Curse Immunity

Coming from a dwindling line of werewolf hunters, Rowan is estranged from her family and is attempting to make amends with the pack they tore apart.


Long dark brown/black hair that reaches almost to her waist, usually worn loose for comfort but twisted into a ponytail or braid for hunting jobs. Often very practical and comfortable rather than stylish.

Deep blue eyes, bright and almond shaped, although they can sometimes appear green the closer to the full moon due to her lycanthropic genes attempting to turn them yellow like a wolf’s during that time.

She could be described as a little chubby, but that is just because her muscle isn’t defined. She is fairly curvy, could be described as ‘pear shaped’ as her hips are wider than her shoulders, with an average bust.

Fairly tall, standing around 5’9”, but might seem taller due to standing straight as if she is trying to assure someone she’s in charge.

Her clothing style is practical and comfortable. She prefers her fitted but comfortable jeans, worn in and quite old but sturdy. She often steals the shirts of the men in her pack, both so that she can smell like them for comfort and security, and because she just likes to. Her ‘signature look’ is cut-off black jeans and a plaid shirt with combat boots. While hunting she doesn’t wear armour or any sort of protection at all, simply going in her usual casual clothes and tying her hair out of the way.

Thanks to her family training and living with werewolves for a decade, she’s picked up various ways to fight physically. She has the finesse taught to her by her family but due to being around more bestial people she has developed what could be described as a feral way of fighting. She’ll throw punches and kicks, then crouch and spring forward like an animal to catch them off guard, going so far as to scratch and bite.


For generations her family has held a bloodline that grants them immunity from curses, such as lycanthropy and vampirism, amongst others. They used to be a line of hunters known for their prowess in bringing down werewolves, dabbling with others but mainly lycanthropes. Further back down the line werewolves were more notorious for being feral due to the nature upon which they turned, although nowadays werewolves are much more cautious and less and less people become feral due to close-knit communities and the large amount of help available.

However, what was once a proud and noble bloodline has turned into something akin to severe racism. While they don’t hate werewolves, they use them. The current generations are trained to capture werewolves, feral or not, in order to extract things from them for ingredients or to perform horrific experiments on them. Females are preferred due to being a lot stronger and with the option of breeding them to bare them more wolves, but they used the males as well. They didn’t make brilliant test subjects, but ingredients could still be harvested. Both male and female werewolves were used to keep the bloodline strong by breeding with members of the family to continue their strong curse immunity.

To the outside world, they were simply a family of hunters that specialised in werewolf hunting. They took any job involving a feral wolf, but no one seemed to notice the usually high amount of ones they ‘couldn’t save’. No one knew that they pretty much shot them on site, or captured them if they were a little saner.

It was a family rite that at the age of 18 that they would be taken hunting for werewolves to be ‘initiated’ into the family and taught the ways of harvesting ingredients.

Rowan grew up in that lifestyle. Her older brother and her didn’t like what their family did but had no real way out of it. When her brother turned 18 he left the family after a large argument over the ‘family rite’ and never returned. Her family barely spoke of him again, except to use him as a bad example. She’s aware he became a freelance demon hunter, but hasn’t seen much of him since he left.

tried to convince her family to use more humane means to gather their ingredients, to perhaps find more willing subjects for their tests. Of course they ignored her, and she too planned to leave the moment she turned 18 (specifically when she graduated high school). Before that could happen, a particularly devastating incident involving a stray wolf pack occurred.

Her family obtained information that a pack of werewolves who were known to be strays without a territory were in the area. They saw them as an easy target for their 'rituals'. They attempted to capture the whole pack but the pack was fierce, not doing down without a fight.

The women of the pack were focused on, though were gravely injured in the process. The only one they managed to capture was a young werewolf called Cal. Figuring something was better than nothing, they captured the youngster and left the rest of the pack for dead.

Rowan wouldn't stand for it. During the night, she helped Cal escape. She packed enough of her own belongings and went with him, assisting him in finding his lost pack as due to his age he wasn't well-versed in tracking them yet.

The pack, quite rightly, were suspicious of her intent when she brought Cal back to them. They brought Cal back but shunned her attempts at making amends. However Rowan was a stubborn one.

The pack continued to wander, though Rowan kept on their trail as close as possible without interfering. She assisted them if they seemed like they needed help, taking on whatever odd jobs along the way that she could to fund herself. All she had was her family's truck she stole, and the bare minimum of clothes and supplies.

Eventually, the pack realised she was honest in her intentions to help them. They took her in after hearing the full story, and she helped them in whatever way she could.


Credits for the artwork on this page that are not created by me: