CONTENT WARNING: Pokephilia, oviposition, male pregnancy

NAME: Rave Moore
PRONOUNS: he/him
HEIGHT: 5ft 7in
JOB: Pokemon trainer, grunt

summary wip


Rave is a young man around 5ft 7in tall, with shoulder length straight brown hair and blue eyes. He has several piercings including 6 in each ear, 2 lip piercings, 1 eyebrow piercing, 1 cock piercing, and 1 navel piercing.

He often wears smudged eyeliner and nail polish, as well as tying his hair into a high ponytail with cyberlocks. His style is 'rave' inspired, mostly black with neon blue and pink. He frequently wears platform boots, goggles, beaded bracelets, and a collar, and always has a Pokeball on a necklace around his neck.

Pokemon Team

  • Punky - Typhlosion ♂
  • Doomsday - Houndoom ♂
  • Lost Boy - Trevenant ♂
  • Styx - Obstagoon ♂


David Jackson was a young teenage Pokemon trainer who was training to compete in the Pokemon League. He had accumulated 5 of the 8 badges when he mysteriously went missing. Being a trainer, his disappearance wasn't reported until someone realised he hadn't been seen in several months, after which the report was finally filed.

Officially, David Jackson is still listed as missing.

Several months after David's disappearance, people noted that someone remarkably similar in appearance to him had been seen with the criminal organisation known as Team Fetura. This young man claimed not to know anything about David, stating his own name was Rave.

The missing person case of David Jackson went cold.

Meeting Team Fetura

The true story about what happened is known only to Rave and the members of Team Fetura.

David hadn't had a nice upbringing, and had fallen in with the wrong people early in his life. There was a lot of pressure to be good at battling with Pokemon, to challenge and defeat the Pokemon League, or at the very least be good at something.

His single mother had no time for him, nor apparently much care for him. His so-called 'friends' would belittle him any time he lost a battle. The one boyfriend he had was emotionally abusive to him.

Eventually, he broke all ties to his family, friends, and boyfriend. He set out on his own with only his loyal Pokemon, Typhlosion and Trevenant. Unfortunately, being alone and vulnerable, he fell into the hands of Team Fetura and was brought to their hideout in Venenum.

His Pokemon were taken from him, and he was forced into their 'breeding program'. He was kept in a lab room with several strong Pokemon who all took their turns breeding him, until eventually he was impregnated.

David spent six months in the facility being carefully monitored as the eggs inside him grew. Once they were laid, he was given his Pokemon back and more or less released. But spending those few months being looked after, surprisingly tenderly and with much care, was everything that a traumatised teen craved.

Joining the Gang

He practically crawled back to Team Fetura, begging to join the gang. It was agreed on one condition; he had to take one of the recent Galarian Zigzagoon litter and return to them once it was stronger.

With a much more personal focus, he seemed to do a lot better at training his new Pokemon partner than when he had been attempting to challenge the Pokemon League. Within the month, Zigzagoon had already evolved into Linoone, and a further two months later it was Obstagoon.

During this time, he came up with a new identity for himself. He didn't want to be David anymore, he didn't want anything to do with his old life. He chose the name Rave, and upon return to Team Fetura, he declared he would leave everything from his past behind and dedicate himself to the team.

The Boss agreed to let him join, and Rave has worked for Team Fetura since then.


Credits for the artwork on this page that are not created by me: