CONTENT WARNING: Bestiality, monster fucking, male pregnancy

NAME: Vela Cyellene
PRONOUNS: he/him
RACE: Felid
JOB: Nun
TEXT: text
TEXT: text

Vela was a nun of no importance, until his attempt at hiding his sexual desires and fetishes led to a religious epiphany within the Church of Asmos.


Vela is a felid, meaning he has feline features alongside his humanoid ones. He has the ears and tail of a cat, with his fur being a soft peach colour. His nose is akin to a cat's, he has firm claw-like nails, and he has slight soft pads on his hands and feet that aren't quite the same as a full pawpad, but the skin feels different enough for them to be noticable. His hair is long and blonde, usually worn in a braid when he is in his robes, or loose when he is feeling more casual. The religious robes he wears are mostly black or shades of dark grey with browns. He always wears the religous symbol of his order around his neck.


In His Youth

Vela was sent to the Church of Asmos as a teenager. His family believed him to be sinful, though gave him no reason as to why they thought that. As he grew older, Vela believed they just wanted to be rid of him, one less mouth to feed for a poor family, but he didn't mind. He grew up in the Church, and dedicated his life to the order even if he personally didn't feel very religious. He believed they did good, and that was enough for him.

While others may have spent time reading through religious scriptures and tomes, or dedicating their time to sermons and preeching, Vela instead took care of the grounds and the creatures that lived around them. The Church was relatively secluded, surrounded by a variety of wildlife, with the occassional 'monster' that came lurking by. Vela knew which ones needed help, which ones should be left alone, and which ones would need deterring so they didn't cause issue. He wasn't an academic man, but he collected a lot of practical knowledge.

Forbidden Desires

Anyone dedicated to the Church was celebate. They weren't supposed to indulge in sexual desires. It wasn't that they were to remain 'pure', but a show of their faith and dedication while they were within the Church was to abstain from sexual desires. Vela managed to abstain from sexual relations with people, though he would semi-frequently masturbate while alone in the woods nearby. None of the other members of the Church knew as far as he was aware.

He didn't dare act on his desire for people, finding it too risky, though a new object of his affections caught his attention. There was a large canine that acted as the Church's guard - a large black dog they called Burnish - who would sometimes accompany him on his walks around the grounds. Burnish was a very friendly dog to the members of the church, and Vela found the dog could be 'friendly' in other ways. What started as a curiosity (stroking the dog's cock, allowing him to intimately sniff or lick at his own crotch) became a desire he couldn't hold back on.

It didn't take much coaxing for Burnish to mount him, and Vela quickly became addicted to the feeling of the dog's cock inside him. He would come up with more and more excuses to take Burnish out for a walk, patrolling the grounds, looking after other creatures, only for him to end up on his knees and knotted.

Unexpected Events

Their relations went on for a long time, with Vela becoming more risky with when and where he allowed Burnish to mount him. Burnish came to expect it, jumping up at him for attention constantly even with members of their congregation around. Vela was eventually caught by another nun while skirt around his waist and Burnish knotted in him. The nun was shocked at first, and Vela tried to stammer out excuses. The first thing that came to mind was "Our Lord demanded I help this creature with his needs!", and it appeared to be convincing. The other nun accepted this explanation, and made a comment that Vela always seemed close to the animals that were near the Church. Apparently it made sense for Vela to find a calling in his kind of 'help'.

Somehow Vela wasn't surprised when the same nun was found in the shed behind the church with Burnish mounting them as well.

The knowledge spread, and more members of the Church decided their calling was also to 'help' animals. It wasn't just Burnish that was 'helped', but their other dogs, horses, and even the farm animals.

Divine Blessing

Events further defied Vela's expectations when he realised his belt and robes weren't fitting correctly. They grew tighter by the day, eventually realising his stomach was swollen and round. His breasts began to swell, feeling tender to the touch. After an examination by their nurse it was determined the Vela was somehow pregnant. Considering the only creatures he'd had sexual relations with were the animals, there could be only one culprit for impregnation.

His impregnation was deemed a miracle, a blessing from the divine, as not only was a male pregnant but they had been impregnated by an animal who shouldn't otherwise be compatible with them. Vela brought his pregnancy to term, birthing a litter of puppies that looked incredibly like Burnish.

He wasn't the first in their Church to birth a creature, and certainly wasn't the last.

A Change in the Church

The Church was still dedicated to Asmos, the great creator, but there was certainly a shift in how the church ran following the new divine intervention with animals. While their true nature wasn't terribly public, it was subject to local rumour that if you visited or traded with the Church, they would insist on 'looking after' any animals you had with you.


Credits for the artwork on this page that are not created by me: