
NAME: Vhalja Kestharl
RACE: Xaela Au Ra
JOB: Dragoon
TEXT: text
TEXT: text

The stories originally appeared in the American magazines Super Science Stories and Astounding Science Fiction between 1940 and 1950 and were then compiled into a book for stand-alone (single issue / special edition) publication by Gnome Press in 1950, in an initial edition of 5,000 copies.


Vhalja is a very tall male Au Ra with greyish skin and dark hair. The tips of this hair are red, with the roots being almost black. If it grows out it shows as mostly red, but his roots remain dark. His eyes are amber with


Family History

Vhalja's family originated on the Azim Steppe, as did many Xaela. His mother was part of the Dotharl tribe, and his father one of the silent Qestir. When trouble began brewing in the region with the imminent invasion of the Garleans, they chose to leave to start a new life in Coerthas.

They didn't have an easy time finding a home for them and their new family. The fear of dragons and heretics caused ignorant Ishgardians to force them to flee, thinking them dragonkin, as was a common reaction to Au Ra in the area.

The new parents did eventually settle in a fairly isolated home in the snowy hills between Coerthas and Mor Dhona. They chose different names to better fit with the local area, though still attempted to keep their heritage. They merged the names of the two clans, Dotharl and Qestir, into Kestharl. They further 'localised' it to Kessler in an attempt to fit in.

Vhalja was originally named Valka when he was born. He had no understanding of his culture until he was in his teens, when he came across some patrolling Ishgardians who mistook him for dragonkin and attacked him. He wasn't seriously hurt, and his parents took the opportunity to explain their background, culture, and potential prejudice he could face living where they were.

Leaving Home

Vhalja spent most of his life living with his parents. His parents were incredible self-sufficient and the family mostly took care of themselves.

His mother was skilled with a lance and often hunted their meat, but would tend what little farmland they had to grow anything else they needed. His father wasn't one for fighting, but had a talent for foraging and mining, including what to make with what he found.

Vhalja learned how to use a spear from his mother, and his first 'proper' weapon was even made by his father from materials they had collectively found. He was very close to both of them.

Tragedy struck one day when he was out hunting with his mother. They returned home to find his father beaten to death, with a hastily scrawled threat on the wall - "Be gone, heretics".

Ishgardians didn't usually venture so far out, especially when they stayed fairly isolated from many others. It was also unclear if it was actually them, or someone using it as a cover, as the house had also been robbed of their supplies for the upcoming winter.

His mother was heartbroken, and Vhalja watched her slowly break down following the death of her beloved. She became more reckless in her hunting, going after bigger and bigger prey, no matter how he tried to persuade her to be careful.

Sadly, she never listened. Another tragedy came when a monstrously sized beast felled her.

Vhalja buried them together next to the home they had shared. Alone now, still processing the death of both of his parents in a short space of time, he decided to travel. Packing what little he had, he left.


The rest of his story is WIP


Credits for the artwork on this page that are not created by me: